
Monday, 17 August 2015

Review: 'How I Live Now' By Meg Rosoff

When Daisy is sent to live in England with her Aunt and four cousins it seems to be the beginning of a new life for her. Entranced by the country house and her interesting bunch of relatives, Daisy, for the first time in a long time feels wanted. However, this new life is quickly destroyed. The war separates Daisy and her cousins and she must go through hell and back to regain the one true family she's only just found.

PLOT: It was a very interesting plot, I liked the whole war aspect of it and I liked that it portrayed the war as so unforgiving instead of wishy-washy. However, I feel like the author tried to take on too many themes and topics to deal with: there was war, family, romance, incest, anorexia... it started to feel a bit too heavy at times. At times it got a little bit boring but most of the time I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see if the cousins would find one another again.

THE CHARACTERS: Daisy was really unlikable at the beginning. She was a HUGE brat and I found it really difficult being inside her head. However, as the story progressed Daisy developed so much as a character and became this amazingly brave care-giver for Piper (her nine year old cousin). Piper is such a great character, she was this little beacon of hope the whole way through the story and she really lit up the pages at the darkest of times; Rosoff often describes Piper as a sprite/pixie type creature and this is probably the most accurate description of the young girl. Edmond was an OKAY character but I wasn't enthralled by him... I also really didn't get his character at the end of the book and thought he'd been affected too greatly by something that didn't really concern him. The animals were the biggest joy and cause of heart ache in this book for me! As an animal lover I was distraught when the animals were lost or killed and so ecstatic when one particular animal managed to find them again!

THE WRITING STYLE: The writing style was really interesting. It was very simplistic which made the plot easy to follow, however, there was no actual speech or conversation which was odd but refreshing. Although, I must admit, I did miss seeing characters interact with one another. I really enjoyed the jump forward at the ending - it worked really well for me.

THE EMOTIONS/ROMANCE: I didn't like the romance in this book really, it was incestuous so that could be the reason, but not only this, it just wasn't romantic. AT ALL. This is why it was pretty great that the romance wasn't a main aspect of the plot, THANK GOD! I did get emotional at times, however, like previously mentioned, it was mainly over the animals rather than the characters.

THE ENDING: It was actually a very good ending. I liked the jump forward and I felt like everything was tied up nicely.

Overall rating: 4/5 stars

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